Malik, M.F.A., A.S. Qureshi, M. Ashraf and A. Ghafoor. 2006. Association analysis of yield and its component in soybean. Abstracts: 9th National conference of plant sciences, Pakistan Botanical Society, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan. p-59.
Ashraf, M., M.F.A. Malik, M.R. Khan and A.S. Qureshi. 2008. Estimation of character association and component analysis in soybean (Glycine max L.). Abstract Book. Int. Conf. Pl. Sci. Pakistan Botanical Society. p.13-14 (oral presentation).
Malik, M.F.A., A.S. Qureshi, M. Ashraf, M.R. Khan and A. Javed. 2008. Investigation of genetic variation of seed protein in soybean (glycine max) genotypes. Abstract Book. Int. Conf. Pl. Sci. Pak. Bot. Society. p.13-14 (poster presentation).
Asghar, M., A.S. Qureshi, F.A. Chaudhry, A. Ali, M. Ahmad, A. Qadir, A. Abbas, M.F.A. Malik and Z. Saqib. 2012. Effects of gamma irradiation on hydrocyanic acid contents in sudan grass (sorghum vulgare var. sudanese). Abstract Book. 3rd Int. Conf. Bot., Pak. Bot. Society (1-3 Sep, 2012) p.30 (poster presentation).
Malik, M.F.A., A.S. Qureshi, M.R. Khan and M. Ashraf. 2009. Genetic diversity and identification of diverse soybean germplasm from five different origins using RAPD markers. World Soybean Research Conference VIII, China. (poster presentation)