Environment is facing various problems such as Global Warming, Climate Change, Green House Effect, Ozone layer depletion, Land degradation, Desertification, Deforestation, Species extinction, Pollution and Drought, etc. Keeping in view the scope and significance of the environment at national and international level, University of Swabi established the Department of Environmental Sciences in 2017. The department lunched its BS program which included all the multi-disciplinary subjects such as Environmental Chemistry, Soil Sciences, Pollution Control Technology, Ecology, Economics, Environmental Impact Assessment, GIS and Remote Sensing, Geology, Natural Resource Management etc. to cover all the areas of environment. The BS degree program in Environmental Sciences includes social studies that focus on human interactions and relationships and show their possible impacts on environment. Fieldwork is an important part of the Environmental Sciences degrees. It often includes trips to study the environment, providing the opportunity to experience different habitats, climates, land formations and societies. Once students enroll in BS Environmental Sciences, they will have the possibility to specialize in policy development, geographic information system (GIS) or natural resource management. Graduates can become environmental education officers, environmental mangers, environmental report writing experts, toxicologists, landscape architect, transport planners, monitoring and audit officers.