Name : Dr. Muhammad Zamin (Horticulture)
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : Agriculture
Qualification(s) : PhD (Horticulture)
Qualification(s) :
Qualification(s) :
Phone : 00923319953200
Email :
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1)      Alam, H., Khattak, J.Z.K., Ksiksi, T.S., Saleem, M.H., Fahad, S., Sohail, H., Ali, Q., Zamin, M., El?Esawi, M.A., Saud, S. and Jiang, X., 2020. Negative impact of long?term exposure of salinity and drought stress on native Tetraena mandavillei L. Physiologia Plantarum. 170 (3): 1399-3054. (IF=4.148)

2)      Muhammad Zamin, Anees Muhammad, Ibadullah Jan, Hidayat Ullah, Shahen Shah, Muhammad. 2020. Production of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) as Affected by Bulb Size and Planting Medium. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(4): 1156-1161 (HEC recognized, Y category Pakistani Journal)

3)      Rabbi, F., Idrees, M., Ali, S., Zamin, M. and Bilal, H., 2020. Farmers' Perceptions and Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Peach (Prunus persica L.) Production and Marketing. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(3): 882-893. (HEC recognized, X category Pakistani Journal)

4)      Zamin, M., Rabbi, F., Shah, S., Amin, M., Rashid, H.U., Alam, H. and Ali, S., 2020. Performance of Lilium (Lilium elegans L.) Genotypes using Different Planting Media. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(3): 661-666. (HEC recognized, X category Pakistani Journal)

5)      Adnan, M., Fahad, S., Zamin, M., Shah, S., Mian, I.A., Danish, S., Zafar-ul-Hye, M., Battaglia, M.L., Naz, R.M.M., Saeed, B. and Saud, S., 2020. Coupling phosphate-solubilizing bacteria with phosphorus supplements improve maize phosphorus acquisition and growth under lime induced salinity stress. Plants9(7):900. (IF=2.76)

6)      Rashid, H.U., Muhammad, D., Khan, M.A., Arif, M., Tahir, N., Zamin, M., Afridi, R.A., Azeem, M.T. and Azam, F. 2020. Impact of integrated weed management in maize on weed density, biological yield and soil physicochemical properties. International Journal of Biosciences. 16(5): 232-244. (IF=0.553)

7)      Huq, M.E., Fahad, S., Shao, Z., Sarven, M.S., Khan, I.A., Alam, M., Saeed, M., Ullah, H., Adnan, M., Saud, S. and Cheng, Q., 2020. Arsenic in a groundwater environment in Bangladesh: Occurrence and mobilization. Journal of Environmental Management262:110-318. (IF=2.72)

8)      Ali, Y., Zamin, M., Jan, I., Shah, S., Hussain, M.M., Rabbi, F. and Amin, M., 2020. Impact of Different Media on Germination and Emergence of Tomato Genotypes. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(1): 230-235 (HEC recognized X category Pakistani Journal)

9)      Zamin, M., Khan, A., Jan, I., Rabbi, F., Shah, S., Ali, R., Ullah, K. and Amin, M., 2020. Effect of Nitrogen and Potash on the Yield and Quality of Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L) Flower. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(2): 397-401 (HEC recognized X category Pakistani Journal)

10)  Sanaullah, F., Rabbi, S.A., Khan, Z. and Zamin, M., 2020. Visitors’ willingness to pay for conservation of the biodiversity and tourism in Kalam valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(1):81-94. (HEC recognized X category Pakistani Journal)

11)  Muhammad, B., Adnan, M., Munsif, F., Fahad, S., Saeed, M., Wahid, F., Arif, M., Amanullah, J., Wang, D., Saud, S. and Noor, M., 2019. Substituting urea by organic wastes for improving maize yield in alkaline soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition42(19):2423-2434.

12)  Ahmad, Z., Rabbi, F., Zamin, M., Kiran, B., Shah, T. and Kouser, S., 2019. An assessment of economic gains of off-season vegetable production in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture35(3): 896-901. (HEC recognized X category Pakistani Journal)

13)  Zamin, M., Fahad, S., Khattak, A.M., Adnan, M., Wahid, F., Raza, A., Wang, D., Saud, S., Noor, M., Bakhat, H.F. and Mubeen, M., 2019. Developing the first halophytic turfgrasses for the urban landscape from native Arabian desert grass. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-15. (IF=2.82)

14)  Hussain, A., Adnan, M., Iqbal, S., Fahad, S., Saeed, M., Mian, I.A., Muhammad, M.W., Romman, M., Perveez, R., Wahid, F. and Subhan, F., 2019. 78. Combining phosphorus (P) with phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) improved wheat yield and P uptake in alkaline soil. Pure and Applied Biology (PAB)8(2):1809-1817. (HEC recognized Y category Pakistani Journal)

15)  Ali, H., Arshad, M., Jan, I.U., Zamin, M., Khan, J., Ullah, I. and Ali, M., 2019. Influence of Various Concentrations of Gibberellic Acid and Micronutrients for Enhancing Growth and Flowering of Tuberose (Polyanthas Tuberosa). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture35(2):550-556. (HEC recognized X category Pakistani Journal)

16)  Zamin, M., Khattak, A.M., Salim, A.M., Marcum, K.B., Shakur, M., Shah, S., Jan, I. and Fahad, S., 2019. Performance of Aeluropus lagopoides (mangrove grass) ecotypes, a potential turfgrass, under high saline conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research26(13):13410-13421. (IF=2.82)

17)  Zamin, M. and Khattak, A.M., 2018. Evaluating Sporobolus spicatus ecotypes under different mowing heights for turf use. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture34(1): 114-122. (HEC recognized X category Pakistani Journal)

18)  Zamin, M. and Khattak, A.M., 2017. Performance of Sporobolus spicatus ecotypes, UAE native grass, under various salinity levels. Pure and Applied Biology (PAB)6(2):.595-604. (HEC recognized Y category Pakistani Journal)

19)  Zamin, M., Khattak, A.M., Alyafei, M.A.S., Sajid, M., Shakur, M., Shah, S., Khan, I., Rashid, H. and Ullah, S., 2018. SPOROBOLUS SPICATUS, A POTENTIAL TURF GRASS UNDER THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF UAE. Journal of Scientific Agriculture, pp.1-8.

20)  Azeem, K., Khalil, S.K., Khan, F., Qahar, A., Sharif, M. and Zamin, M., 2014. Phenology, yield and yield components of maize as affected by humic acid and nitrogen. Journal of Agricultural Science6(7):.286. (IF=2.28)

21)  Sajid, M., Jan, I., Shah, S.T., Iqbal, A., Zamin, M. and Shakur, M., 2012. Pre-harvest treatment of Zn & B affects the fruit quality and storability of sweet orange. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. B2(12B):1224. (IF=0.685)

22)  Sajid, M., Rab, A., Shah, S.T., Jan, I., Haq, I., Haleema, B., Zamin, M., Alam, R. and Zada, H., 2012. Humic acids affect the bulb production of onion cultivars. African Journal of Microbiology Research6(28):5769-5776. (IF=0.539)

23)  Rashid U. H., Khan A., Hassan G., Saeed M., Khan S., Khan S.M., Khan S.A., Zamin M. “Integrated weed management in maize under different tillage regimes. (International Journal of Biosciences Vol. 10(6), 2017, 223-231) International Journal, IF 0.553 (Universal impact factor)

24)   Muhammad K. Khan, M. Sajid, A. Rab, I. Jan, H. Zada, M. Zamin, I. Haq, A. Zaman, S. Tanveer and A. Rehman. Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on flower and corm production of Freesia.  African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 11(56), July 12, 2012)- International Journal. IF 0.573


25)   Sajid, M., A. Rab, I. Jan, I. Haq and M. Zamin, 2013. Conditioning at certain temperature and durations induces chilling tolerance and disease resistance in sweet orange. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 15: 713?718- International Journal.  IF 0.94


26)   Hayat z., B. Ahmad, H. badshah, A. Saljoqi, M.Naeem, S. Anwar and M. Zamin.  A study of comparison of field effectiveness of coccinillid predators and chemical insecticides in the management of sugarcane black bug cavelarius excavatus (dist.) (lygaedae: hemiptera) in shahpur sargodha, pakistan.   Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.29, No.2, 2013- HEC Recognized X category Pakistan Journal


27)  F. Ullah, M. Shakur, H. Badshah, S. Ahmad, M. Amin and M. Zamin.2012. Efficacy of Trichogramma chilonis  ishii, in comparison with two Commonly used insecticides against sugarcane stem borer Chilo infuscatellus  snel. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22(2): 2012, Page: 463-466. ISSN: 1018-7081. International Journal  IF 0.76

28)  Muhammad, S., F. Ullah., M. Naeem., M. Amin., A.U.R. Saljoqi and M. Zamin. 2007.  Effect of various insecticides for the control of potato Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon Huf., Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) at Kalam, Swat. Sarhad Journal of  Agriculture. 23 (2) : 423-425. HEC recognized Journal

29)  Abrar S. and M. Zamin. Hybridization of Pea Cultivars (Pisum sativum L)” (Sarhad J. Agric. 21(4), 2004)  HEC recognized Journal

30)  Bakhtyar A., M.Zamin and M. Rahman. Assessing the role of PHP’s (Project for Horticultural Promotion) extension and training material on solving horticultural problems in the target area” (Asian J. Plant Sciences 2(7), 2003) HEC recognized Journal

31)  Noor H. and M.Zamin. Off-season Pea Cultivation in Dir Kohistan Valley (Asian J. Plant Sciences 2(3), 2003)

 Muhammad Z., A. Shah, D. Wada, N. Habib and H. Zada. Evaluation of different exotic cultivars of Cucumber under agroclimatic conditions of Swat. (Sarhad J. Agric. 18(2), 2002)  HEC recognized 

Workshops/Training/Seminar organized/delivered

(1)   Organized one day training workshop on landscape designing using AutoCAD in the Department of Agriculture in collaboration with ORIC dated February 12, 2019.


(2)   Delivered one day seminar on “water conservation” organized by of Islamic Relief Pakistan (Peace building initiative for development and empowerment (PIDE) in Peshawar on   28 Feb, 2020



1)      Attended 1st international conference on drug discovery against cancer and other diseases (DDCD) organized by department of chemistry and directorate of ORIC, University of Swabi, Pakistan from 11 to 12 February 2019

2)      Attended three days International Conference on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Supply at University of Swabi, sponsored by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and Pakistan Science Foundation held on April 24-26, 2018

3)      Attended 2 days training on Safe handling of pesticides for pesticides dealers from 9-10th May 2018 organized at the Bureau of Agriculture Information Hall, University Road Peshawar organized by Department of Agriculture (Extension)-Peshawar, Govt. of KP

4)      Attended one day seminar on Sustainability Awareness-Why do we need to be Sustainable? On 24 March 2011 organized by Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council, Govt. of Abu Dhabi, UAE

5)      Attended one day seminar on Understanding Estimdama and Peral Rating systems for buildings, villas and communities on 21th April 2011 organized by Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council, Govt. of Abu Dhabi, UAE

6)      Attended four days training on Motorola Irrigation Central Control Systems Programming and Maintenance from March 23-26 2011 organized by MEACollege/Motorola, UAE

Research Projects

Project No. HEC Funded SRGP Research Project# 2246

Construction of lath house (nursery) at Main Campus University of Swabi for research and plants propagation.

Title of project: Propagation of bulbous plants using advanced techniques complying with high demand of market.

Principal Investigator (P.I): Dr. Muhammad Zamin

Co-Principal Investigator (Co-P.I): Dr Ibadullah Jan

Project Value: Rs. 4,60,000.00

Duration: 1 year (October 2019 to November 2020)

Completion date: November 15, 2019

Project Status: Completed

Inauguration: December 4, 2019

Publications from project study:

(1)  Zamin, M., Rabbi, F., Shah, S., Amin, M., Rashid, H.U., Alam, H. and Ali, S., 2020. Performance of Lilium (Lilium elegans L.) Genotypes using Different Planting Media. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(3).

(2)  Zamin, M., Anees, M., Jan, I., Ullah, H, Shah, S., Amin, M., Rashid, H. 2020. Production of tuberose (polianthes tuberosa l.) As affected by bulb size and planting medium. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture36(4).


1)      Landscaping (Ornamental Horticulture)

2)      Sustainable Agriculture

3)      Organic horticulture

4)      Biosaline Agriculture

5)      Climate change

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